Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I got a job!!!!!!

WOO HOO!!!! I got a job. The dentist called me last night and offered me a job. Right now it will be part time I think and I won't be assisting all the time, but you never know where it will lead. I will be helping out and working in the Lab, which is where a lot of assistants start out.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I am so tired!!!!! This last week has been crazy running back and forth to the hospital. I am glad to say Granny Lois is doing better and I thank the Lord for that! She actually asked for my mom to fix her Turnip Greens and Pinto Beans to eat. That is on hold for now, since she has only had broth to eat the last few days and that is all besides fluids for the last week or two!!!! LOL thats a granny for you....she knows what she wants.
I was at the Dentist office today, I really love what I do, and am proud I went to school for it. It was a last minute thing when I applied and I wasn't even sure if I would like it. So it could have went different. I mean, not many people want to look in mouths all day!!!!:)
I am waiting to go get Jordan from school, I so forgot he had Math Team meeting today. I wanted to go home and get a nap after I picked them up from school, and when I saw Carter coming to the car by himself I was like :(!!!! So I am at Donna's catching up will all the blogs I follow. She just lives like 2 min from the school, whereas I am around 15 min. away.
So now that I've talked about everything and vertually nothing I'm gonna get off her and head home. Who knows what i'm gonna fix for supper!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crazy Couple of Weeks!

Okay, so a lot has happened since the first blog. My mom's youngest sister passed away after a struggle with cancer. We did get to see family that we haven't seen in a few years and it was great catching up. Hopefully next time we see them it will be under better circumstances. We buried my aunt on Friday and then the next morning my grandmother was rushed to the hospital loosing blood fast. She had been on blood thinners and aspirin and since she was sick, she decided to take Advil. Not a good combo when you have an ulcer in your tummy! It was very touch and go there for a while. She had 10 pints of blood that day. We almost lost her that night, but the Lord has so far let her get better. I just got back from there and the outlook is much better. Sunday, the Dr said she would be in ICU for 2 weeks, Monday, it went down to 1 week, and today they say she will be in a regular room tomorrow! She still has a long road to go, but with the Lord's help I'm sure she will be out in no time. It was a crazy long scary few days, but thank the Lord she is on the mend! Also, most of you know I have been in school for dental assisting and I am proud to say that Monday night was my last night and I am officially through with school. I passed my test and as soon as I send in all my information to the Dental board I will be a registered dental assistant....Yay Me!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm new to this!

Ok, I am new to this so we will see how it goes! As of right now we are always on the go, so I thought the blog name was appropriate. Kevin works with his Dad building custom cabinets, closet systems, vanitys, etc. The boys are in school and doing well. Jordan will be going to Jr. High next year and Carter can't stand the thoughts of not having his big brother in the same school. Jordan is doing really great in school. He just finished being in the Clover Bowl, now he is on the Broadview Math Team. In July he will be going to N.C. to a college. He will be studying CSI stuff. I know, Cool right, he will be learning some of the things we watch on TV. He will not be going alone.......are you kidding?....he's still my baby...We will be taking our vacation there and picking him up at night and dropping him off in the morning. He is now raising money for the trip....so any donations are appreciated. :) Carter is now in his 2nd year of Kindergarten, he just was not ready last year, but he is doing so much better this year. Needless to say we are very proud of our boys. I have been a stay at home mom for the last 11 years, except for 1 year I was a preschool teacher. Now that my kids are in school, I decided to go back to school so I am now almost out of school for dental assisting. Well now you know why we are Ashley's on the Go!