Sunday, January 9, 2011

After two's.......................

Another boy! We are so excited!!!!!

We have had 2 ultrasounds in the last couple of weeks. The first one we had the technician said she was sure, but we did not have our proof. So we elected to do another one, and this time it was obvious! We wanted to make sure since we will have to get all new baby stuff since we didn't plan on having more kids.

The second ultrasound was super cool! They switched to 3d/4d while they were doing it and we actually got to see the cute little sweetie! I was only 20 1/2 weeks so it was earlier than you normally get to do them, so he didn't have the fat to see exactly what he looked like but it was still so sweet! He was holding his hands in little fist close to his face! Aww...

Most importantly, everything looked great! You can actually see his little fingers! We will have another ultrasound that has 3d/4d shots somewhere around 30 weeks so I am really excited to see who he looks like. Jordan and Carter looked so different as babies so I'm anxious to see if he will look like one of them or have his own look.

We have yet to definatly pick out a name. We have a few we are throwing around, and as soon as we think its definate, we second guess ourselves. So anyone with name suggestions, please comment. Hopefully before long I can call my little guy by his name. I have thought a couple of times, that he may be here before we decide. :)

I also know that I am way outnumbered! ha ha Not a day goes by that I am not doing boy things, washing boy cloths, watching boy things on tv, or cleaning boy toliets (by far one of my worst things to do!) But oh well, at least I can get my nieces or sisters to do girly things with me. I wouldn't trade my boys for anything..!!!!

It has been forever since I blogged last.....but maybe I'll do better now. Who knows!! I'm sure my life is not the most interesting, but it's mine and I LOVE IT!!!


  1. I heard after the first ultrasound from Henrietta. I guess we are in the same boat. Surely we will survive!! LOL

  2. yeah, I figure we know how to take care of boys!!!!!

  3. oh wow another boy! are you going to do the nursery in turtles?? i LOVE turtles!

  4. Tara, at this point, I'm so so overwhelmed I'm not sure what I'm doing. LOL We are starting over with nothing so trying to plan what we really need is like having the first child. Only more time and mind consuming with having the two others. I'm sure I'll go crazy by May!
